Friday, June 1, 2012

Calling all CACTI!!!
Alan and Pip have done an awesome job running CACTUS while I've been away and now where back to the full power with the complete team.

I'm looking to drag in all the CACTI who are hanging around in the background for a full on finish to the term and an AWESOME CHALLENGE. (Did someone mention helicopter?) It's not far away so if you've been in hiding kick yourself out of bed and greet the dawn! Turn of your computer games, stack some zeds and experience real life again.
It's up to you - make it happen. See you at the Gym, bright eyed and bushy tailed...

If your a new recruit CACTUS is running Monday, Wednesday and Friday mornings from 6:45 - 7:45. Showers and breakfast after at the Gym for those who want them. Give me a call or turn up on the day. (Click the "What do I need to start CACTUS" link at the top right.)

Just a reminder that CACTUS sponsored gym use is only for those participating in the course so look out if your attendance has dropped off and your found in the gym!

Its good to be back! Bring it on!

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